Saturday, August 15, 2015

Something New

That first little stage of cognition is probably one of the most important.  it forms the foundation upon which everything else learned must stand.

I've met so many children in my life whose lives would probably have been a lot better if I had just met them earlier.  It's hurtful to meet a child who is already feeling defeated or one who has already given up on life success before their life has even truly started.  It's especially hurtful when you realize that if you had been able to, you could have been the one to make things better for them.

I know myself, and I'm usually very honest with me about me.  I know that I adore children and love helping them to feel good about themselves.  I know that I am not the kind of person who will hurt a child.  I have the education and skills necessary to be a positive influence in the life of little people.

So, I'm going to try something new.  Why not use the goods I've got to help someone start off life right?  I realize that Elementary education is NOT the same as Early Childhood education.  But the core of educational philosophy remains generally the same no matter the student's age.  To supplement my education, I have taken it upon myself to learn the aspects of early childhood with which I'm not currently familiar.

I've got an interview tomorrow for a nanny position.  I truly can't think of much that would be a more appropriate career choice for someone with my personality.  Let's see how things go.

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