Monday, September 27, 2010

Saving Our Pwanet

I was amazed today as a bold Kindergarten student approached the teachers' recess bench to complain about planetary injustice that he had observed on the playground.

"Dose guys ova deya ah dwopping theya fun bands into da main sewa line! Dey not taking caya of pwanet oath. Is de onwy wiving pwanet!"

Translation: "Those guys over there are dropping their fun bands into the main sewer line! They're not taking care of planet earth. It's the only living planet."

"Amazing that someone so young could recognize ecological injustice, even from the confines of the playground," Sir Coolman commented.

"Yes. Do you think adults will ever catch on?"

"That, my dear, remains to be seen," he said, and faded back into the glass.

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