Looking at my fluffy baby this evening, I realized that animals can truly add delight to an environment.
Additionally, allergies are very much a concern. Animals with fur can send a highly allergic individual into respiratory shut-down. Even my own cute little fuzzy leaves me with suspended breathing, congestion, coughing, and misery. How would a child be expected to learn when the little furry thing in a cage next to his or her desk is keeping them from taking in a full breath?
However, a calm, quiet, hairless animal in one area of the room might actually help some children to overcome their fears. Accordingly, I plan to gather some information on district regulations regarding pets, and general information on the best kinds of class pets.
I love rabbits but I love cats more. I don't own any cats right now since my last cat involved in accident few years back. Deep in my heart, I still miss that cat and i don't think any cat will ever replace "dua".
Awwww....I am so sorry to hear that. I know it's inevitable, but I dread the day I go to her cage and she doesn't move. I don't know what I'll do.
That post was over five years ago.
Today, the inevitable happened. I went to the cage, and she didn't greet me. She was stretched out beside her litter box, still warm, but not breathing.
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