Be safe, even out of safety zones!
Today, one of our 2nd grade students was hit by a car while riding his bike to school. Thanks to God, he's doing fine and sustained no serious injuries. Unlike many, the driver who hit him was traveling very slowly, even though she wasn't technically within the limits of a school zone. Had she not been going so slow, we would probably have lost one of our students today.
It is so important to remember that school zones exist for a reason. Please, no matter where you live, no matter what kind of rush you're in, show your value of human life by remaining within the given speed when you're driving through a school zones. Even when you leave the area that is officially designated as a school zone, lower your speed, or at least be an observant driver.
We lost a student about 4 years ago when a driver on her cell phone failed to see three little girls walking their bikes through the cross walk. One of the girls was air-lifted to a hospital in Orlando, where she later died. The other two girls she was traveling with, one of whom was her cousin, were also injured. I had seen the cousin, her scarred face and depressed demeanor. I didn't know that she had been one of the other girls involved in the accident. I had no idea that she had been the little girl's cousin. It is obvious that she sustained more than just the physical injuries caused by the accident.
A letter was sent home with every student providing information about the event and some suggestions for parents in discussing safety with their children. I thank God that the little boy today was wearing his helmet. His use of it was a sign of his ability to use what was underneath it.
Smart kid wearing a helmet, love the please let me grow up sign.
Sometimes I wonder why some of us need to speed through life. Lately I have seen deaths of people, animals, reptiles and birds of all kind just because we human refuse to slow down our vehicles. Must they be sacrificed for modern-day convenience and speed?
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